Here is a list of some terms used in the context of this package and their definitions.
- AGNES : AGglomerative NESting.
- AHC : Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering.
- AHR : Agglomerative Hierarchical Regionalisation.
- Articulation point : Vertex of a graph whose removal increases the number of connected components (separator set consisting of a single vertex).
- CHI : Caliński-Harabasz Index.
- CLINK : Complete Linkage.
- Coarse partition : Partition composed of a single cluster.
- Compact cluster : Homogeneous cluster.
- Compact partition : Partition where all clusters are compact.
- Complete graph : Simple graph in which all nodes are adjacent to each other.
- Connected component : Maximal connected subset with respect to inclusion.
- Connected graph : Undirected graph where any vertex is accessible from any other vertex by passing only through the vertices of this set.
- Feasible solution : A partition that respects all constraints (contiguity, size…).
- Finite graph : Graph with a finite number of vertices.
- Region : Connected cluster.
- Regionalisation : Partition where all clusters are regions.
- Regionalization : Partition where all clusters are regions.
- SLINK : Single Linkage.
- Separate partition : Partition where all clusters are well separated pairwise.
- Separator set : Set of vertices of an undirected graph whose removal would create more connected components.
- Simple undirected graph : Undirected graph without loops and in which each pair of vertices has at most one edge.
- Totally contiguous : Set in which each element is contiguous with all the others. The associated contiguity graph is complete.
- Transferrable point : For regionalization, a point that can be transmitted from one region to another while maintaining the connectivity of the regions.
- Trivial partition : Partition composed of one cluster per element of the set.